Docent Tour: John Grass Wood Turning

By Hidden City Philadelphia (other events)

12 Dates Through Jun 29, 2013

The John Grass Wood Turning Company is a fully-functional wood shop, founded in 1863 in Philadelphia, when the city was known as The Workshop of the World. It contains working machinery and ephemera from 150+ years of operation as a production wood turning shop. Items produced at the John Grass shop includes replacement ballustrades for Philadelphia's Independance Hall and Christ Church, and night sticks for the Philadelphia Police Department. Come take a docent tour with local wood turners and learn about their art and craft. We'll also visit the Center For Art In Wood to tour their collections and see more John Grass artifacts on display.


Tours, lectures and workshops are free for festival pass holders only.
Please purchase your festival pass.

Mailing Address

1315 Walnut Street | Suite 320 Philadelphia, PA 19107-4701